Hindu Boy Names Starting With H

Name Meaning Gender 💓Popular
Hanup Sunlight boy 53
Hanvesh Very soft mind boy 82
Happy Happy boy 87
Har name of Shiva boy 77
Hara The Remover of Sins boy 90
Harakh Joy boy 70
Harakodhandarama Armed with the curved kodhanda bow boy 64
Haraksa One who worships Lord Shiva boy 64
Haran Lord Shiva, Hara means the one who destroys i.e.. who does harana. Lord Shiva is called Hara because he is the destroyer of world, Sins, Evils etc boy 86
Haranadh Lord Vishnu, Lords (Shiva) devotee boy 90

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boy 56
Harbir; Harbeer Warrior of God boy 82
Harcharan; Haricharan One taking shelter in God's Lotus Feet boy 64

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boy 85
Hard Hearts feeling, Main, Meaning boy 74
Hardas; Haridas Slave of God boy 83
Hardhik Affectionate, Heartfelt, Cordial boy 57
Hardik heartfelt boy 76
Hare Krishna Lord Krishna, Everything that exists boy 87
Hareendra Lord Shiva boy 79
Hareesh Lord Shiva, Shiva and Vishnu conjoined boy 86
Harekrishna Lord Krishna boy 55
Harendra Name of God Siva boy 55
Haresh Lord Krishna boy 80
Hareshwar Lord Shiva, Shiva and Vishnu conjoined boy 89
Hargun One having godly merits boy 75
Hari name of Vishnu boy 86
Hari Charan Feet of the God boy 87
Hari Haran Vishnu and Shiva boy 59
Hari Kant Dear to Lord Indra boy 62
Hari Kishan Lord of nature boy 97
Hari Krishna Another name Lord Krishna boy 64
Hari Narayana Lord Vishnu, Nar means person. Narayan then is the primal person + Hari is God in action both through creating and destroying boy 76
Hari Om saluting Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva boy 99
Hari Prasad Blessed by Lord Krishna boy 79
Hariaksa Lord Shiva boy 88
Hariaksh Lord Shiva, The eyes of lion, Name of Vishnu boy 100

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boy 92

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boy 92
Haricharan feet of the lord boy 85
Harida Servant of Lord Krishna boy 82
Haridas servant of Hari boy 62

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boy 94

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boy 100
Haridra One who is Golden Coloured boy 84
Haridwar Gateway to God boy 99
Harigopal Lord Krishna boy 74
Harihar Shiva and Vishnu together boy 55
Harihara Putra Son of Hari (Lord Vishnu) and Hara (Lord Shiva) boy 62
Hariharaatmaja Son of Hari (Vishnu) and Hara (Shiva) boy 64